La vie est belle ici...

On our small family farm in northeastern Ontario, we are committed to biodiversity, ecological farming and growing nutritious, healthy food.
As farmers, we're innovators and creators. For more than a decade our main farming activity has been haskap production, a nutritional powerhouse of a berry that is relatively new to the food scene in Ontario. To build awareness of this wonderful fruit, we added a commercial kitchen space to our operation and create a range of products on-farm. To diversify and grow year-round, over the winter of 2022-2023, we repurposed an insulated freight container and renovated part of our kitchen/processing facility to create an indoor aquatic garden where we are growing plants and fish, together.
We're committed to building food security and resilience in the face of our changing climate - for ourselves, for our community, and regionally for northern Ontario. We aim to do so by being connected to the land and community; and constantly learning.
We look forward to sharing and learning with you.
Merci. Thank you. Miigwetch.
We write about our farming passions and interests in our blog:
378 Turcot Rd., St. Charles, ON P0M2W0 | 705-507-4529 | labelleviefarm@gmail.com
From mid-late June until early-mid August is our harvest season. We offer pick-your-own and pre-picked berries during this time. Berries are available throughout the year and are converted into a full line of haskap products in our farm kitchen.
In our aquatic and indoor gardens we are growing greens and herbs on a year-round basis and raising rainbow trout in an effort to be as ecological as possible. Follow our blog or stop by the farm to learn more about our aquaponic adventure.
We share about our indoor farming adventure and other topics related to our farm in our blog.
Our farm kitchen space is where we artisanally produce our line of haskap products and prepare other goods from our gardens and local producers. We look forward to how this aspect of our operation will grow. Our kitchen is available for community use.